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Katrine Høyer



Haven't created any projects yet! 

No lab notes posted yet!

Wiii love your handsome new assistant - keep up the good work, and good luck with all your projects.
Good job - keep on walking and happy new year to you and yours
Hvor flot, stort TILLYKKE med den publicerede artikel :D Næsen i sporet og hold fast i det du har sat igang, alt er relativt ...selv tid. Husk at ha' det sjovt undervejs.
Næsen i sporet og hold fast i det du har sat igang, alt er relativt ...selv tid, hvad for nogne er 100 år er for andre blot et kort øjeblik. Husk at ha' det sjovt undervejs.
This is so cool - best wishes and good luck with the work ahead of you. Looking forward to learn about it all. :D Bisous
Wouw - this is exciting news - good luck and have fun, I will cross my fingers for you on the June the 13th :D