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Los Angeles, CA

Intuitions about Ownership Among Achuar Communities and the Misalignment of Intellectual Property Law

The ownership of knowledge is one of the most contested topics of our times, but little is known about how...

Decreasing the Risk of Death and Diving Injuries in Artisanal Fishermen

Artisanal fishermen risk their lives every day to support their families and communities. Using outdated...

Mapping Addiction

Addiction and drug dependence are preventable and treatable diseases. Understanding the neurophysiological...

How do birds see the world?

How do birds fly around objects without crashing into them? Their object perception must be similar to ours...

How Does Technology Affect Our Memory?

We humans have always used our surroundings to extend our memory. But is the technology of today enhancing...

Assessing the pathogens of wild mammals in Los Angeles County

Urban wildlife can harbor and transmit many diseases that have the potential to affect humans, domestic...