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Can anybody make a scientific breakthrough?

Open Access
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  • $115
  • 2%
  • Private
    Not Launched

About This Project

IQ Co-Op is building an open sourced community laboratory. But it is more than that; we are looking to take anybody with an interest, teach them about the basics of various disciplines of science and technology, let them research and discover in the lab, and eventually be able to try and solve some of the greatest problems facing mankind.

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What is the context of this research?

IQ Co-Op is building an open sourced community laboratory. But it is more than that; we are looking to take anybody with an interest, teach them about the basics of various disciplines of science and technology, let them research and discover in the lab, and eventually be able to try and solve some of the greatest problems facing mankind.

1. Can we take everyday people and provide them with the resources to make groundbreaking discoveries?

2. Does community involvement and hands-on teaching get normally disengaged students passionate about learning?

3. Can we bring the wonders of science to people in the most impoverished areas of the world?

4. Does open sourced technology and innovation positively affect our global economies.

What is the significance of this project?

We are looking to quantify and showcase the impact a community lab will have on an area and presenting it in a book and through discoveries that come from the space. We are hoping to earnestly make scientific or technological discoveries possible to everyone.

For example, one project is based on making open-sourced land mine detection and detonation hardware with piezoelectrics.

What are the goals of the project?

We are looking to open up our first lab space. We will need roughly $6000-$8000 to pay for the cost of the lease and initial funds to get fabrication, experimentation, and coworking equipment in the space to get it up and running as soon as possible. Our goal is to open up with the ability to begin teaching classes on astrophysics, resource mitigation, and energy production.


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All of the funds are going to go towards building the lab, and not to pay salaries. We will be paying for the NNN lease of the property, equipment, a security deposit of multiple months, and marketing for the space. Ideally, we would also be able to provide small scholarships to others looking to study in the laboratory. We would hopefully be able to cover those costs.

Meet the Team

Siouxzanna Downs
Siouxzanna Downs

Team Bio

Siouxsie Downs: 18 year old nuclear enthusiast, entrepreneur, futurist, and humanitarian. Involved in developing non-combat military technology to protect the troops on logistical operations. Goals include developing a commercial use of thorium and advanced nuclear technology, space exploration, neurology, energy harvesting, and geophysics. Currently collaborating with open source manufacturing companies and is applying to the Thiel Fellowship in October.

Roller derby player, entrepreneur, author, researcher, startup competition organizer, speaker, and hobbyist fusioneer on the side.

Siouxzanna Downs

Siouxsie Downs: 18 year old nuclear enthusiast, entrepreneur, futurist, and humanitarian. Involved in developing non-combat military technology to protect the troops on logistical operations. Goals include developing a commercial use of thorium and advanced nuclear technology, space exploration, neurology, energy harvesting, and geophysics. Currently collaborating with open source manufacturing companies and is applying to the Thiel Fellowship in October.

Roller derby player, entrepreneur, author, researcher, startup competition organizer, speaker, and hobbyist fusioneer on the side.

Additional Information

Our website:

We are focused on several aspects of development. We are hoping to help produce some major advancements in various areas of technology. Currently, we have a strong interest in humanitarian engineering, nuclear engineering (particularly with small modular reactors using thorium), and matters concerning space exploration. It is worth noting that the founder and lead researcher is 18 years old and is a director of a local makerspace (hackerspace). We are as dedicated to entrepreneurship as we are technology and education. A large focus of our goals revolve around the STEAM-E ethos (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship). In essence, we want to create modern-day daVincis, Teslas, and real-life Tony Starks.

Project Backers

  • 2Backers
  • 2%Funded
  • $115Total Donations
  • $57.50Average Donation
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