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What kinds of supports are needed to enable a transition to a low-carbon US commercial fishing fleet?

The urgency of climate change and record-high diesel fuel prices are motivating commercial fishermen to...

Actual and perceived polarisation in people’s opinions on behavioural policy interventions

Behavioural policy interventions (BPIs), designed to influence people's behaviour without introducing mandates...

Will politically driven STEM education strengthen migrant youth’s relation to science?

Just Science For [You]th is a political education program for refugee teenagers in Cleveland, Ohio about...

How can complex systems research protect child farmworkers?

In the United States, 1 child dies of injuries sustained during farm work every 3 days. Protective social...

How do microaggressions alter perceived electability?

Microaggressions are small yet biased oppressive statements. Studies prior to 1994 demonstrated that candidates...

The role of local communities in influencing environmental policies; Case Study: Madre de Dios, Peru

Madre de Dios, Peru is a highly biodiverse area with many indigenous communities. This area has been the...

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